Aromatic Eastern Red Cedar Turning Blocks


Available Lengths:
1′ Foot – 2′ Foot – 3′ Foot – 4′ Foot
These turning blocks are made from eco-friendly sustainable natural Aromatic Eastern Red Cedar . Turning blocks are rough cut on 4 edges and and ready for any crafting project. These natural wood blocks and can be painted, stained or colored.

These blanks will make excellent turnings. Each blank measures approximately 4″ X 4″ and come in 1′ foot, 2′, 3′ & 4′ foot lengths. Very nice mix of color in each blank. A great value for the wood shop. All cedar is cut fresh from Grade-A heartwood and comes with FREE delivery to your door!

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Cedar 101
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4x4 Eastern Red Cedar Turning Blocks Free Shipping Over $89

Available Lengths:

  • 1' Foot
  • 2' Foot
  • 3' Foot
  • 4' Foot

These turning blocks  are made from eco-friendly sustainable natural Aromatic Eastern Red Cedar . Turning blocks are rough cut on 4 edges and and ready for any crafting project. These natural wood blocks and can be painted, stained or colored.

These blanks will make excellent turnings.  Each blank measures approximately 4" X 4" and come in 1' foot, 2', 3' & 4' foot lengths.  Very nice mix of color in each blank.  A great value for the wood shop.  All cedar is cut fresh from Grade-A heartwood and comes with FREE delivery to your door!

Specification Detail Notes
Approx. Length 1' foot, 2' foot, 3' foot, OR 4' foot Turning Blocks are sold by the foot
Thickness (in.) Approx. 4x4" Post-Planed thickness will vary from nominal sizes
Board Joint Type Square Edge Posts and beams will fit flush end to end or at 90 degree angles
Material Aromatic Eastern Red Cedar Cut Fresh and never Kiln dried
Finish Type None, Not Needed Never add a finish to eastern cedar as it will negate the cedar aroma and beneficial affects.
Is Returnable No Custom cut cedar beams are not returnable, unless damaged by shipping or unusable.
Lumber Grade Appearance Board All of the cedar that we sell is A grade Appearance Board
Moisture content Dehumidified Never Kiln dried! Our de humidification chamber dries the cedar perfectly to maintain the wood’s natural scent, fiber texture, and color.
Saw Cut Smooth / Rough Rough cut blocks for turning
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  • All advertised sizes are approximate.
  • Due to custom cutting & milling there are no refunds.
  • We Offer Free Shipping on Many Items
  • Free t-Shirt on all orders over $400.00 
  • Got a Question? No Problem! Call toll-free for Ordering Support 1-800-422-9912.

We Only Sell Aromatic Eastern Red Cedar

Our cedar panels can be used for closet liners, V-paneling and flooring. Our dehumidification chamber dries the cedar perfectly to maintain the wood’s natural scent, fiber texture, and color.

Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus Virginiana) is extremely resistant to and repels many types of pests, such as rodents, roaches and termites. Please take note: that most cedar products on the market are Western Cedar. Our Eastern Cedar products offer better durability and insect repellents. Not even carpenter bees will want to bore into our wood!

Red Cedar is not only a beautiful, durable wood, but it also has an AMAZING scent! This type of wood was commonly used by noblemen, royalty and Native Americans (Cherokee Indians) in both modern and Biblical times. All of our wood is hand-selected premium grade planed Red Cedar. Our flooring, trim, and lap-siding products can be used for closet liners, churches, basements, garages, tiny homes, log homes, tree houses and much more.

We also sell Cedar Siding products to fit your needs. There are an assortment of Cedar Shakes in various shapes and sizes available for your selection. Lap siding is also available in our store. Our Products can be used for interiors and exteriors. Use as Siding, Paneling, Flooring, and more!

Attribute Detail
Common Name Aromatic Red Cedar, Eastern Redcedar
Scientific Name Juniperus virginiana
Distribution Eastern North America
Tree Size 100-115 ft (30-35 m) tall, 3-4 ft (1-1.2 m) trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight 33 lbs/ft3
Specific Gravity 44, .53
Janka Hardness 900 lbf (4,000 N)
Color/Appearance Heartwood tends to be a reddish or violet-brown. Sapwood is a pale yellow color, and can appear throughout the heartwood as streaks and stripes.
Grain/Texture Has a straight grain, usually with knots present. Has a very fine even texture.
Endgrain Resin canals absent; earlywood to latewood transition gradual, grain moderately uneven to moderately even; tracheid diameter small to very small; zonate parenchyma (double ring).
Rot Resistance Regarded as excellent in resistance to both decay and insect attack, Aromatic Red Cedar is frequently used for fence posts used in direct ground contact with no pre-treating of the wood.
Workability Overall, Aromatic Red Cedar is easy to work, notwithstanding any knots or irregularities present in the wood. It reportedly has a high silica content, which can dull cutters. Aromatic Red Cedar glues and finishes well, though in many applications, the wood is left unfinished to preserve its aromatic properties.
Odor Aromatic Red Cedar has a distinct and tell-tale scent: the wood is commonly used in closets and chests to repel moths and other insects.
Common Uses Fence posts, closet and chest linings, carvings, outdoor furniture, birdhouses, pencils, bows, and small wooden specialty items.


About Red Cedar

Eastern red cedar grows in the eastern part of the United States, typically ranging between 20′-100′. Sometimes referred to as “aromatic cedar,” this cedar is known for its pungent scent from its natural oils. This cedar’s exterior boasts a reddish-violet tinted brown, while its inner sapwood appears pale yellow. The sapwood often makes an appearance throughout the heartwood.

The terms “red cedar” and “aromatic cedar” are markedly different in their context. Red cedar is a lay, or common, term. In a scientific context, the taxonomical names of trees -- Thuja plicata and Juniperus virginiana -- are used. Aromatic cedar, on the other hand, is a trade term used by carpenters, contractors and other professionals in the building trade.

The term refers specifically to the lumber of the eastern red cedar. It differs from the term “red cedar” in that red cedar refers to the tree as a whole, while “aromatic cedar” specifically denotes the wood of the eastern red cedar that is used in building projects and sometimes only building project lumber culled from specimens of eastern red cedar found in the southern portions of the Appalachian Mountains.

Conifer. Height 40 to 60 feet. Trunk diameter 2 to 4 feet. Usually a small tree, it has been known to grow 90 feet high with a trunk circumference of 13 feet. Distribution; Nova Scotia south to Georgia along the Atlantic Coast west to the Mississippi River states. It is the state tree of Tennessee. The eastern or "aromatic" red cedar is the species used for moth-proof storage chests and clothes closets. It is not to be confused with the huge timber species of the west coast: western red cedar and incense cedar.

A firm, stable softwood, the timber of this red cedar is highly prized for its beautiful, warm, deep, rich, red color and its most distinctive, everlasting, aromatic perfume. The wood is light and easy to work. It has numerous knots that make a handsome distinctive pattern. Otherwise it is straight and close grained. Due to its natural beauty and scent, it is never painted or stained. The wood is enduring - it is strong and durable. Its natural oils contain the secret of its success

Where aromatic red cedar is concerned, the knottier the wood the better. The many knots indicate the exceptionally high content of the aromatic oils that distinguish this wood from all others. The more oil the stronger the scent; the stronger the scent the deader the moth! (And, of course, the more wonderful smelling the stored woolen clothes.) This same oil makes cedar decay and insect resistant and waterproof; the perfect wood of choice for long term use. The wood also has low shrinkage and is very stable once applied.

Despite its relatively high cost, aromatic red cedar is worth the cost for the service it performs. It is typically available as veneer and lumber. The trunks of the majority of this red cedar are used for fence posts. The water resistant lumber is used in greenhouse construction and for window sills and small boat decks.

It is most commonly associated with cedar blanket chests, wardrobes, clothes closet interiors, storage room paneling and dresser drawer linings. It is also used for scientific instruments and novelties. The pencil in your hand or behind your ear is made of red cedar woods. This soft but firm, straight, close-grained wood is designed to sharpen perfectly and easily. Also, the shavings smell nice. Isn't nature grand!

Have Questions?

Please give us a call, or shoot us a line and we will be happy to help you with your project or concerns.
(800) 422-9912